Reverse Address For Geocoding

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If you are looking for the highest accuracy in map and location-based services, undoubtedly the Nora address conversion service for Geocode is the best way to get the most accurate information available.

With Nora's Geographical Coordinates / Api service you will be able to simply convert a fully interactive address such as "59 West 46th Street, New York City" to the exact lat & long location on the map, or vice versa. Noteworthy note is the service's internationality, which integrates multiple map services to give you easy and seamless access to all the world's information.

It is now possible to get geographic coordinates by having a phone number, postcode, or address assigned in some countries, also the information in the databases of this service is constantly updated.

If you require additional information or technical specifications provided in the Nora Geographical Coordinate Service you can obtain this information at the bottom of the page and in the Description section, Technical Details Specifications.

Overview of Address Conversion To Geocode Nora:

With this service you can convert an address to a geographic coordinate or convert a Lat and a Long into a text-based web address by Api technology. With this service you can enable & develop location-based services in the application like : mobile applications, web sites, or operating systems.

Nora Service Difference With Other Activists:

In addition to offering different Api with up-to-date technologies, Nora's address conversion service also provides users with 8 layers of aerial imaging. Nora data bases collected from top big providers in the this field also in some countries, the possibility of converting the phone number, postal code to geographical coordinates and vice versa activated for the users now.

Presentable Technologies:

All services are available on two web platforms and web services. The web service also supports technologies (XML, Soap, Json, Http Api, WDSL, Restful). users can use this service and pay fee per transaction, also users can exploit this service in the software they need.

Expansion and Update Process:

At Nora Structure, service information is updated 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and the accuracy of the information is continually updated, giving you dear customers the highest accuracy in address conversion. You also will not need to pay extra for the service.

Technical Specifications
1 Available web services Soap, Wdsl, Restful, Http Api, XML, Json
2 Convert Phone To Location Some cities
3 Convert Address To Lat & Long Supported
4 Convert Lat & Long To Address Supported

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